How to live longer by increasing telomere length

Everybody wants to live healthily, happily and as long as possible, right? The question is which behaviors, foods, etc. help us live healthier and longer.

That’s why in this article we’ll find out the answer on how to live longer by increasing telomere length.

What is a telomere?

A telomere is a section of DNA found at the end of each of our chromosomes. Telomeres are caps just like the plastic tips of a shoelace.

Telomeres prevent our DNA cells from damaging just like tips of shoelaces prevent our shoelaces from fraying.

Every time our cells replicate as we age our telomeres are shortened instead of cell shortening and thus prevent our cells from damaging.

How to live longer by increasing telomere length

Meta-analysis says that short telomeres are associated with increased all-cause mortality risk in the general population. [1]

So, how do we lengthen telomeres?

Lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, stress, exposure to pollution, etc. can potentially increase the rate of telomere shortening, cancer risk, and pace of aging. [2]

Dietary restriction, appropriate diet (high fiber, plenty of antioxidants, lean/low protein, adding soy protein to diet), and regular exercise can potentially reduce the rate of telomere shortening, disease risk, and pace of aging. [2]

Meta-analysis of 7 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) says that exercise for more than 6 months has a beneficial effect on telomere length compared with usual care or inactivity. [3]

Meta-analysis of 38 studies says that depression and telomere length are significantly associated. [4]

Meta-analysis of 8 studies showed that higher Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) adherence is associated with longer telomere length (TL). The traditional Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and grains (mainly unrefined); a high consumption of olive oil but a low intake of saturated fat; a moderately high intake of fish; a low intake of dairy products, meat, and processed meat; and a regular but moderate intake of alcohol (specifically wine with meals). [5]

Meta-analysis of clinical trials also says that omega-3 fatty acids may positively affect the telomere length. [6]

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So, how to live longer by increasing telomere length based on scientific research? Well, studies show that Lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, stress, exposure to pollution, diet can play a significant role in telomere lengthening and thus extending our lives.

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