Is having 6 pack abs healthy based on science?

Is having 6 pack abs healthy based on science?

You need to meet some specific nutrition requirements if you want to have clearly visible 6 pack abs. However, are these nutrition requirements healthy for us based on science? Is having 6 pack abs healthy for us? Let’s find out in this article. What it takes to have a 6 pack abs? One of the … Read more

Is soy healthy based on science or does soy cause cancer?

Is soy healthy based on science or does it cause cancer?

Soy may be a controversial topic in the world of nutrition because it contains phytoestrogens and there are studies that link estrogen to the increased risk of diseases such as breast cancer. Unlike many other plant proteins, soy protein is considered a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot make … Read more

Animal vs plant protein. Which protein is best for health and strength based on science?

Animal vs plant protein. Which protein is best for health and strength based on science?

What type of protein is healthier and better for building muscle based on science? Does animal protein have more quality than plant protein? Many vegans will tell you that plant protein is as good as animal protein, if not better. And many bodybuilders will laugh at the idea that you can build muscle on a … Read more

Vitamin B12 recommendations based on science

Vitamin B12 recommendations based on science

Did you know that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to some serious problems such as blindness [1], anemia [2] and others? As you can see taking vitamin B12 is really important for our health. Also, taking vitamin B12 is required not only for vegans but for some other groups of people too. So, in this … Read more

Science-based iodine recommendations

Science-based iodine recommendations

Scientific research shows that our diet can have a significant impact on our health. [1] Therefore, a well-balanced diet is a must if we want to be healthy. That’s why in this article we’ll find out the science-based iodine recommendations. What is iodine? Iodine, also called iodide, is a type of mineral that is naturally … Read more

How much protein can your body absorb in one meal based on science?

How much protein can your body absorb in one meal based on science

Nutrition is one of the most important things when building muscle and/or losing weight. For example, if you want to build muscle and you workout hard every day for a few hours but your nutrition plan is bad then you won’t see any desired results in building muscle. The same is with weight loss. That’s … Read more

Omega-3 fatty acids recommendations

Omega-3 fatty acids recommendations (science-based)

Scientific research shows that our diet can have a significant impact on our health. Click here to read my post and find out which diet is the healthiest. For example, some studies show that lower levels of RBC DHA and EPA in late middle age were associated with markers of accelerated structural and cognitive aging. … Read more