Top 10 healthiest berries

A plant-based diet is the healthiest diet according to scientific research [1]. But like any other diet it contains healthy foods and not so healthy foods. For example, we can eat French fries only and it will be a plant-based diet but not the healthiest one. So, what are the healthiest foods to improve our health and live longer?

In this article we’ll find out the top 10 healthiest berries according to scientific research.

Top 10 healthiest berries based on their antioxidant content [2]:

  1. Dog rose berries
  2. Crowberries
  3. Blackberries
  4. Black currants
  5. Goji berries
  6. Raspberries
  7. Blueberries
  8. Strawberries
  9. Sea buckthorn
  10. Cranberries


So, berries are very healthy for us because they are rich in vitamins such as Vitamin C, minerals such as Manganese, fiber and others. It’s recommended to include them in your daily diet.

P.S. If you want to find out how science-based nutrition and diet can prevent the most common diseases, improve your overall health and help you live longer then you can click here to learn more.

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