How to live 10+ years longer in 4 easy steps?

Everybody wants to live healthily, happily and as long as possible, right?
This article will show 4 simple recommendations on how to live 10+ years longer based on scientific research.

4 easy steps how to live 10+ years longer based on science

One study examined the relationship between mortality and 4 low-risk behaviors – never smoked, healthy diet, adequate physical activity and moderate alcohol consumption. They used data from 16958 participants aged 17 years and older [1].

Compared with participants with no low-risk lifestyle behaviors, participants with 4 such behaviors were 63% less likely to die, 66% less likely to die from a malignant neoplasm, 65% less likely to die from major cardiovascular disease, and 57% less likely to die from other causes.

The rate advancement periods, representing the equivalent risk from a certain number of years of chronological age, for participants who had all 4 high-risk behaviors compared with those who had none were 11.1 years for all-cause mortality, 14.4 years for malignant neoplasms, 9.9 years for major cardiovascular disease, and 10.6 years for other causes.


So, how to live 10+ years longer in 4 simple steps according to scientific research? It looks like if you stick to not smoking, having a healthy diet, adequate physical activity and moderate alcohol consumption then you can easily add 10+ years to your life. And if these 10+ years will be happy it’s for you to decide. But that’s a topic of another article.

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