Looking for the best way to lose weight, gain muscle, improve overall health and live longer?

Do you want to start eating healthy to improve your health, lose weight, build muscle, live longer?

Have you drowned in information after reading many experts whose opinions contradict with each other and you still aren’t sure how to eat healthy?

Or maybe you just don’t have enough time to study all the scientific research by yourself in order to find out how to eat healthy based on science?

Start this quiz to discover in 90 seconds how healthy is your diet based on science and what you can do to improve it.

It's not even required to enter your email to find out the results of the quiz.

Also you can read my blog articles:

You need to meet some specific nutrition requirements if you want to have clearly visible 6 pack abs. However, are these nutrition …

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but it’s important to find ways to manage it in healthy and effective ways. Research …

I had a period in my life when I thought I could just eat fries or something like that the whole time …

Soy may be a controversial topic in the world of nutrition because it contains phytoestrogens and there are studies that link estrogen …

Want some healthy vegan salad recipes packed with nutrients and vitamins that can be cooked fast? Then this article is for you. …

What type of protein is healthier and better for building muscle based on science? Does animal protein have more quality than plant …

About the author and why you should read my blog at all

I have been vegan for 5+ years and I’m still alive. =) Also, I have been doing sports for 7+ years already.

I’m not a medical advisor or doctor but science-based nutrition helped me fix my health and avoid surgery even though my doctors told me I need a surgery to fix my problem and there’s no guarantee of full recovery.

So, that’s why I decided to share my knowledge and experience to help other people improve their health and prevent the most popular diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.

Serhii Shevchenko photo