Does healthy mindset really help improve our results (science-based)?

Why do some people achieve extraordinary results in sports, work, business, etc. and others work 24/7 and are still struggling to get some good results in sports, business, relationships, etc.? It’s not like those who have extraordinary results work more or something like that, right?

Everybody has 24 hours in a day. So, maybe it’s not just about working hard but also working smart? And by working smart I mean using a healthy mindset to achieve our goals more effectively.

In this article we’ll find out what does the science say about changing mindset, visualization, mental imagery and if it really works.

Does healthy mindset help improve results in sports and other skills?

A meta-analysis, including 27 different scientific studies, states that a combination of mental and physical exercises is more effective than just physical exercises. [1]

It is also noted that the maximum increase in strength is much greater for the distal than for the proximal muscle group after mental training (visualization). [1]

All coaches, athletes, sports psychologists and therapists are strongly encouraged to practice mental training in conjunction with physical training to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training, reduce injuries, and stress. [1]

Other studies claim that with the help of visualization pianists, trombonists improved their playing skills and reduced the number of errors during their performances. [2]

There are also studies in the field of medicine that state that students who received 2 imaging sessions demonstrated better skills and performed better on live rabbits than those who simply learned books. [2]

A study on internal imagery training in active high jumpers showed that those who used regular physical practice combined with mental imagery showed a 50% greater gain for bar clearance than those who used regular physical practice only. These results suggest that the internal imagery training program helped to improve this component of the high jump. The internal imagery program emphasized bar clearance by encouraging the athletes to visualize bending the back and pulling the feet towards the head. [3]

Healthy mindset, visualization and diseases

Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials showed that the combined practice of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery reduces the stress and anxiety during the chemotherapy phase of treatment. It also elevates the mood and in the long term improves the quality of life. Its effect on chemotherapy related adverse effects like nausea and vomiting, pain and fatigue are less studied and more well designed studies are needed. [4]

One study claims that imaging helps reduce stress and fatigue among patients with Thyroid cancer undergoing radioactive iodine therapy after surgery. [5]

Visualization has also been reported to help reduce stress in women with fibromyalgia, pregnant women, and patients with bowel disease. [5]

A systematic review of 7 Randomized Controlled Trials states that guided imagery helps with arthritis and other rheumatoid diseases. [6]


So, does healthy mindset, visualization and mental imagery help with improving results in sports and other skills, reducing stress and helping with diseases? Well, scientific research shows that visualization and mental imagery really can help improve performance in sports and some other skills and also reduce stress, improve mood and the quality of life in people with diseases like cancer, arthritis, etc.

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