Vitamin D recommendations, dosage, its impact on health

Scientific research shows receiving all the required vitamins with our diet is a must if we want to stay healthy as long as possible.

The question may be which vitamins in which dosages we need in order to stay healthy. That’s why in this article we’ll find out vitamin D recommendations based on scientific research.

So, read this post if you want to find out if you need to take vitamin D supplements, what type of vitamin D is more effective and what is the recommended daily dose of vitamin D based on science.

What is a vitamin D?

Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin but a hormone that helps us maintain bone and overall health. Our body can make vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun. However, if for some reasons you can’t get enough sun exposure then you should take vitamin D supplements or vitamin D fortified foods.

Vitamin D and mortality, diseases

Meta-analysis of 159 randomised clinical trials (RCTs) says that vitamin D3 can decrease mortality in elderly people living independently or in institutional care and vitamin D2 had no statistically significant beneficial effects on mortality. [1]

Meta-analysis of 32 studies shows that individuals whose vitamin D concentrations were in the lowest quantile (0–9 ng/mL) had nearly twice the age-adjusted death rate as those in the highest quantile (>35 ng/mL). This means that vitamin D concentrations of less than 30 ng/mL (approximately 1000 IU) may be too low for safety. A tolerable upper-limit intake of 10000 IU per day of vitamin D has not been associated with toxicity. [2]

A systematic review of 18 randomized clinical trials says that vitamin D supplementation was not associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events than no supplementation. [3]

Meta-analysis of 7 RCTs showed no significant difference in hip fracture risk in those randomised to cholecalciferol (D3) or ergocalciferol (D2) supplementation versus placebo/control. [4]

A systematic review of 23 studies says that vitamin D can be positively correlated to bone health in adult individuals. [5]

Meta-analysis of 50 studies says that vitamin D supplementation alone was not associated with all cause mortality in adults compared with placebo or no treatment. Vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of cancer death by 16%. [6]

What type of vitamin D is more effective: D3 or D2?

Meta-analysis of 7 studies says that vitamin D3 is more efficacious at raising serum 25(OH)D concentrations than is vitamin D2. [7]

Recommended daily dose of vitamin D

Meta-analysis of 32 studies says that vitamin D concentrations of less than 30 ng/mL (approximately 1000 IU) may be too low for safety. A tolerable upper-limit intake of 10000 IU per day of vitamin D has not been associated with toxicity. [2]

One study recommends that vitamin D supplementation should be 2-3 times higher for obese subjects relative to normal weight subjects. [8]


So, what are vitamin D recommendations? Is it healthy? Which type of vitamin D3 and what dosage is healthier based on scientific research?

Well, it looks like vitamin D is indeed healthy for us. If we’re talking about which type is better then studies show that vitamin D3 is healthier and more effective than vitamin D2.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is about 2000 IU and not more than 10000 IU.

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