Should you train to failure based on science?

Should you train to failure based on science?

Scientific research shows that exercise is very important for our overall health. So, if you aren’t exercising yet then it’s a good time to start now. Click here to read more about the benefits of exercise for our health. And if you’re already an experienced athlete then you have probably heard that many experts claim … Read more

How much protein can your body absorb in one meal based on science?

How much protein can your body absorb in one meal based on science

Nutrition is one of the most important things when building muscle and/or losing weight. For example, if you want to build muscle and you workout hard every day for a few hours but your nutrition plan is bad then you won’t see any desired results in building muscle. The same is with weight loss. That’s … Read more

Omega-3 fatty acids recommendations

Omega-3 fatty acids recommendations (science-based)

Scientific research shows that our diet can have a significant impact on our health. Click here to read my post and find out which diet is the healthiest. For example, some studies show that lower levels of RBC DHA and EPA in late middle age were associated with markers of accelerated structural and cognitive aging. … Read more

What is the best training frequency for building muscle based on science?

The best training frequency for muscle growth based on science

Scientific research shows that exercise is one of the main factors that helps us prevent some of the most common diseases such as cardiovascular disease and it’s also one of the main factors that can allow us to live 10+ years longer. However, you might be wondering what is the best training frequency for building … Read more

Does meditation help with stress and aging based on science?

Does meditation help with stress and aging based on science?

We all know what stress is, right? Sometimes it feels like there’s nothing in our lives except for stress. Scientific research shows that stress is one of the main causes of the majority of diseases. So, how do we deal with stress? Does meditation help with stress and aging based on science? Let’s find out … Read more

Is salt healthy based on science?

Is salt healthy based on science?

Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death worldwide [1]. Scientific research shows that our diet can have a significant impact on our life. If you don’t know it yet then you can click here to read my article about which diet is the healthiest for us. So, in this article we’ll find … Read more

Foods to improve performance in sports

Foods to improve performance in sports

Scientific studies say that some foods actually can help us recover faster from exercise and thus improve our athletic performance faster. Foods to improve performance in sports One of the foods that can help us recover faster after training is spinach [1]. According to studies, those who ate spinach for 14 days before the half … Read more

Science-based macronutrient recommendations for athletes

Science-based macronutrient recommendations for athletes

We already know that diet is one of the main factors that can have a significant impact on our health based on scientific research. It can decrease the risk and prevent some of the most popular diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. If you want to find out more then click here to … Read more

Vitamin D recommendations, dosage, its impact on health

Vitamin D recommendations, its impact on health, dosage

Scientific research shows receiving all the required vitamins with our diet is a must if we want to stay healthy as long as possible. The question may be which vitamins in which dosages we need in order to stay healthy. That’s why in this article we’ll find out vitamin D recommendations based on scientific research. … Read more