Cardiovascular disease risk factors and treatment

Cardiovascular disease risk factors, prevention and treatment

Is cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention possible just by changing our diet? Heart disease was the #1 cause of death in the U.S. in 2019 [1], so this time we’ll take a look at what are the main cardiovascular disease risk factors and how we can prevent and treat heart disease according to scientific research. … Read more

Is laughter the best medicine?

Is laughter the best medicine according to scientific research

Is laughter the best medicine according to scientific research? Can laughter prevent and treat the most common diseases? Read this article to find out the answer to these questions. Is laughter the best medicine? According to existing scientific studies, laughter does indeed help cure some diseases. For example, laughter helps with stress [1] and cardiovascular … Read more

Can diet prevent and treat diabetes?

Can diet prevent and treat diabetes

Diabetes was the #7 cause of death in the US in 2019 [1] so I think many people are looking for ways on how to prevent and treat diabetes. That’s why in this article we will answer the question of whether diabetes can be prevented or cured simply by changing your diet. How to prevent … Read more